Saturday, December 17, 2005

Quilting Queen


In the Brown Sugar Stitchers Quilt Guild, each member is required to make a name tag. Ribbons earned for finished quilts are prominently displayed on the name tag. Over the years I just never got around to making my name tag. Meanwhile, I diligently collected my ribbons for finished quilts. As time went by, I recognized an unexpected dilemma. How could I make a name tag big enough for all of my ribbons? The African Canvas Memory Quilt Series™ provided the answer. I gathered up all my ribbons, show buttons, and other memorabilia and Quilting Queen was born. Quilting Queen hangs proudly in my quilting studio, a constant reminder of all my quilt babies who long ago found loving homes.

Quilting Queen is #20/100 of the African Canvas Memory Quilt™ series.


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